Osterreichischer Diabetikervereinigung, Austrian Diabetes Organoization, Moostrasse 18, 5020 Salzburg – Austria
Phone 1: 43-222/8209753
Phone 2: 43-622/841353
Osterreichische Diabetesgesellschaft, Austrian Diabetes Society, c/o I. Medizinische Abteilung der KA Rudolfstiftung, Juchgasse 25, A-1030 Wien – Austria
Phone: 43-222/71156/DW 400 or 401
Association Belge du Diabète, Chaussée de Waterloo, 935, B-1180 Brussels – Belgium
Phone: 32-2/3743195
Belgische Vereniging voor Suikerzieken, Belgian Association for Diabetics, BVS Secretariat, Charles de Kerchovelaan 369, B-9000 Ghent – Belgium
Phone: 32-91/200520
Telefax: 32-91/210082
Bulgarian Sociaty of Endocrinology, inst. of Endocrinology and Gerontology, Christo Machailov Street 6, Sofia 1303 Bulgaria
Phone 1: 359/871497
Phone 2: 359/877201
Czechoslovak Diabetology Association, Internal Clinic ILF, National Diabetes Program, Coordinating Center, 762 75 Gottwaldov – Czechoslovakia
Phone: 42/28235
Telex: 67200
Cyprus Diabetic Association, P.O. Box 302 Diana Court, Loizou Philippou St., Paphos- Cyprus
Phone 1: 357-6/234853
Phone 2: 357-6/233966
Telefax: 357-2/233966
Diabetesforreningen, Danish diabetes Association, Filosofgangen 24, 5000 Odense C – Denmark
Phone: 45-66/129006
Telefax: 45-66/914908
Suomen Diabetesliitto r.y., Diabetesförbundet i Filnland r.f. Finish Diabetes Association Diabeteskeskus, Kirjoniementie 15, SF-33680 Tampere- Finland
Phone: 358-31/600333
Telefax: 358-31/600462
Association Française des Diabétiques, 14 rue du Clos, 75020 Paris – France
Phone: 33-1/40092425
Telefax: 33-1/40092030
A.J.D. Aide aux jeunes diabètiques, 3, rue Gazan,75014 Paris – France
Phone: 33-1/45886110
Deutscher Diabetiker-Bund e V., German Diabetes Union, Danzigerweg 1, D-5880 Lüdenscheid – Germany
Phone: 49-2351/85053
Telefax: 49-451/805012
Deutsche Diabetes- Gesellschaft, German Diabetes Association, City Hospital Schwabing, Koelner Pl. 1 D-8000 Munich 40 – Germany
Phone: 49-89/3068-644
Sektion Diabetes der Gesellschaft für Endrokrinologie und Stoffwechselkrankheiten, Diabetes Section of the Association of Endocrinology and Metabolic Disases, Greifwalder Str. 11a, Karlsburg, 2210
Phone: Züssow 311
Telex 318925 diak
Gran Bretagna
British Diabetic association, 10 Queen Anne Street, London WIM OBD – United Kingdom
Phone: 44-71/323-1531
Telefax: 44-71/637-3644
Hellenic Diabetologic Association, Papadiamandopoulou Street 4, GR – 11528 Athens – Greece
Phone: 30-1/711845
Panhellenic Diabetic Association, Feidou Street 18, Athens – Greece
Phone: 30-1/3629717
Irish Diabetc Association, 82/83 Lr. Gardiner Street, Dublin 1 – Ireland
Phone: 363022
Association Luxembourgeoise du Diabète, P.O. Box 1316, Luxembourg – Grand – Duché de Louxembourg
Phone: 352/47545 , 4411-1
Diabetes Association (Malta), P.O Box 413, Valletta – Malta
Phone 1: 356/674876
Phone 2: 356/443340
Norges Diabetesforbund, Norwegian diabetes Association, Østensjøvn 29, 0661 Oslo 6 – Norway
Phone : 47-2/65455
Telefax : 47-2/630688
Diabetes Vereniging Nederland, Dutch Diabetes Association, Puntenburgerlaan 91, 3812 CC, Amersfoort, Postbus 933, 3800 AX Amersfoort – The Netherlands
Phone : 31-33/630566
Telefax : 31-33/630930
Nederlands Vereniging voor Diabetesonderzoek, Dutch Association for Diabetes Research, Postbus 7057, 1007 MB Amsterdam – The Netherlands
Phone : 31-20/5487121
Telex: 1284
Polish Diabetic Association, Zarzad Glowny, ul. Chodkiewicza 9/11 B.6. 85-065 Bydgoszcz P.O. 89 – Poland
Polskie Towarzystwo Diabetologiczne, Polish Diabetological Association, Kopernika 17, 31-501 Krakow – Poland
Phone 1: 48-12/210144
Phone 2: 48-12/21-40-54
Associaça?o Protectora dos Diabeticos de Portugal, Portuguese Diabetic Association, Rua do Salitre, 118, 1200 Lisbon – Portugal
Phone 1: 351-1/680041 (42)
Phone 2: 351-2/682729
Romanian Society of Diabetes, Nutricion and Metabolic Diesaesea, Hospital Dr. I. Cantaclezino, no. 7, Movila St. Bucharest – Romania
Phone 1: 40-0/11.30.40
Phone 2: 40-0/11.64.40
Associacion Diabeticos Espan?oles, C/Serrano, 112-2e Dcha, 28006 Madrid – Spain
Phone: 34-1/2619792
Swedish Society for Diabetology, c/o Docent Christian Berne, Akademiska Sjukhuset, 75185 Oppsala – Sweden
Phone : 46-18/663000
Telefax : 46-18/553104
Svesnka Endokrinologföreningen, Swedish Society of Endocrinology departement of Internal Medicine, University Hospital, S-75185 Uppsala – Sweden
Phone :46-18/663000
Svenska Diabetes Förbundet, Swedish Diabetes Association, P.O.Box 1545, 17929 Solna – Swedwn
Phone 1: 46-8/296000
Telefax : 46-8/982525
Swiss Diabetes Association, Hegarstrasse 18, CH-8032 Zurich – Switzerland
Phone : 41-1/3831315
Telefax : 41-1/558912
Magyar Diabetes Tarsasgag, Hungarian Diabetes Association, Koranyi S. u. 2a, Budapest 1083 – Hungary
Phone : 36-1/330-360
Telex : 226161VESEO-H