Cameroon Diabetes Association bp 11880 Yaounde – Cameroon
Egyptian Union of Diabetic Association, 40, Safia Zaghloul St., Alexandria – Egypt
Phone 1: 20-3/4822720
Phone 2: 20-3/844411
Ethiopian Diabetes Association, P.O. Box 31840, Addis Abeba – Ethiopia
Phone: 251-1/158174
Ghana Diabetic Association, P.O. Box 68, Korle-Bu, Accra – Ghana
Phone: 233/655401 Ext.520
Kenya Diabetic Association, P.O. Box 55098, Nairobi – Kenya
Phone 1: 254-2/336-725
Phone 2: 254-2/340-740
L’Association Malgache contre le Diabète, P.O. Box 3097, Antananarivo 101 – Mdagascar
Phone 1: 261-2/29363
Phone 2: 261-2/22384
Maurius Diabetic Association, c/o P.O. Box 17, Rose Hill – Mauritius
Phone 1: 106/212-4155
Phone 2: 4325 KAILASH IW
Associaça?o Moçambicana dos Dibabéticos, Mozambican Diabetes Association, C.P 2167, Maputo – Mozambique
Diabetic Associationof Nigeria, 39, Ongulana Drive, Surulere, Lagos – Nigeria
Phone : 234-1/830762
Society for Endocrinology, Metabolism, and Diabetes of Southern Africa (SEMDSA), P.O. Box 783155, Sandton 2146, Johannesburg – South Africa
Phone : 27-11/7837275
Telex : 427001
Telefax : 27-11/783770
South African Diabetes Association, P.O. Box 3949, Cape Town 8000 – South Africa
Phone : 27-21/461-3715
Telefax : 27-21/462-2008
Sudan Diabetic Association, P.O. Box 102, c/o Faculty of Medicine, University of Khartum, Khartum – Sudan
Phone 1: 249-11/72721
Phone 2: 249-11/81888
Tunisian Diabetic Association, 3, Rue El Moaskar, Tunis 1000 Tunisia
Phone : 216-1254-399
Uganda Diabetic Association, P.O. Box 1660, Wandege, Kampala Uganda
Zambia Diabetic Association, P.O. Box 35365, Lusaka – Zambia
Phone : (01) 250110
Arabia Saudita
Saudi Diabetes and Endocrine Association, P.O. Box 1498 Al Khobar 31952 – Saudi Arabia
Phone: 966-3/898065
Telex: 870603
Bahrain Diabetes Association, P.O.
Box 12 Salmaniya Medical Centre
Telex: 973
Telefax: 669-166
Diabetic Association of Bangladesh, Ibrahim Memorial Diabetes Centre, 122, Kazi Nazrul Islam Ave. Dhaka 1000- Bangladesh
Phone 1:880-2/400006-9
Phone 2: 880-2/404220
(President only)
telex : 642442BPLBJ
Chinese Diabetes Association of the Chinese Medical Association, 42 Dongsi Xidajie, Beijing 100710 China
Phone 1: 86/55 0394
Phone 2: 86/55 7388
Telex: 210080
Telefax: 86/5123754
Cina – Taipei
Chinese Taipei Diabetes Association, No.1 Chang-Te Street, Taipei, Taiwan 10016 – China Taipei
Phone 1:886-2/312-3456 ext. 2212
Phone 2: 886-2/396-0283
Telefax: 886-2/3317624
Corea del Sud
Korean Diabetes Association Room 603, the Korean Medical Association buildin, 302-75, Ichon Dong, Yongsan Ku Seoul, 140-030 – Republic of Korea
Phone: 82-2/794-9064
Telefax: 82-2/797-7515
Philippine Diabetes Association, Room 304, Polymedic General Hospital, 163 E. De los Santos Avenue, Mandaluyong, Metro Manilla – Philippines
Phone: 63-2/70.75.21, 79.91.56
Japan Diabetes Society, Hongo Sky Buildin 403, 3-38-11 Hongo Bunkyo-ku, Tokio 113 – Japan
Phone: 81-3/8154364
Telefax: 81-3/8157985
Hong Kong
Diabetes Division, Society for the Study of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Reproduction, Department of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Pokfilam Road – Hong Kong
Phone 1: 852-3/8551143
Phone 2: 852-3/8192331
Diabetic Association of India, Maneckji Wadia Building, 1st Floor,127 M.G. Road, Bombay 400001 – India
Phone 1: 91-22/273813
Phone 2: 91-22/467569(70)
Iranian Diabetes Society, 1-37 Vasow St., Behjatabad, Teheran, 15987 – Iran
Phone 1: 98-21/899921
Phone 2: 98-21/650506
Iraqi Diabetes Association, Iraqi Diabetes Society Building, Al- Maari St., Aò Mansour, Baghdad – Iraq
Phone 1: 964/5562222
Phone 2: 964/541-3392
Telefax: 964/5413485 (8:00 – 16:00)
Israel Diabetes Association, 17 ranak Street, Tel Aviv 63464 – Israel
Phone 1: 972-3/544019
Phone 2: 972-3/232274
Telex: 03-224463
Telefax: 972-3/3232274
Persatuan Diabetis Malaysia, Malayasan Diabetes Association, Room 2, 5th Floor, Bangunan MMA, 124 JalanPahang, 53000 Kuala Lumpur – Malaysia
Phone: 60-3/4416498
Telex: UKM 31496
Telefax: 60-3/7557740
Diabeti Association of Pakistan, 5-E/3, Nazimabad, Paposhnagar, Karachi, 74600 – Pakistan
Phone : 92-21/616890
Telex : 23507 TAZMAN PK
Telefax: 92-21/438-278
Diabetic Society of Singapore, 11 Penang Lane #03-03/04, Singapore Coucil of Social Service Building, Orchard Point, P.O. Box 82, Singapore 9123 – Republic of Singapore – 0923
Phone 1: 65/3373971
Telefax : 65/3371129
Sri Lanka
Diabetic Associacion of Sri Lanka, 102 Barnes Place, Colombo 7 – Sri Lanka
Phone : 94-1/933375
Diabetic Association for Tailand, Rajvithi Rd., Bangkok – Tailandia
Phone : 66-2464061
Telex : UNIMAHI TH 84770
Telefax: 662-412-5994
Türk Diabet Cemiyeti, Turkish Diabetes Associacion, Osmanbey, Safak Sokak No. 44, Daire 2, Istambul – Turkey
Phone : 91-1/1485523
Diabetes Australia, QBE Bldg. 33-35 Ainslie Ave. Canberra A.C.T.,P.O. box 944, Civic Square A.C.T. 2608 – Australia
Phone 1: 61-62/475655
Phone 2: 61-62/475722
Telefax: 61-62/573140
Canadian Diabetes Association, 78 Bond Street, Toronto, Ontario M5B 2J8 – Canada
Phone: 1-416/362-4440
Telefax: 1-416/362-6849
Association du Diabète di Quebec, 1160 rue Panet, Montreal, Quebec H2L 2Y7 – Canada
Phone: 1-514/597-0555
Telefax: 1-514/597-0652
Stati Uniti
American Diabetes Associacion, 1660 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 – United States of America
Phone : 1-703/549-1500
Telex : 901132 ADA ALE
Telefax : 1-703/836-7439
Liga Argentina de Protecciòn al Diabetico, Argentine League for the Protectin of Diabetics, Tucuman 1584, Buenos Aires – Argentina
Phone: 54-1/401885
Sociedad Argentina de Diabetes, Argentinian Diabetes Society, Calle Paraguay 1309 – 8 Apt. 74, 1057 Buenos Aires – Argentina
Telefax: 54-1/428419
Sociedade Brasileira de Diabetes,
Brasilian Diabetes Society, Rua Conega José Loreto 9, Caneta, 40140 Salvador – Brazil
Phone: 55-21/2458555, 2458156
Telefax: 55-21/2451941
Associaçao Brasileira de Diabéticos, Brasilian Diabetes Association, Av. Paulista 2073, 21 Andar-Sala 2123, Sao Paulo – CEP 01331 – Brasil
Phone: 55-11/289-941
Sociedad Chilena de Endocrinologìa y Metabolismo, Chilean Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Av. Presidente Riesco 6007, Las Condes, Santiago – Chile
Phone: 56-2/243175
Associacion Colombiana de Diabetes, Colombian Diabetes Association, Calle 39A No. 14-78, Bogotà – Colombia
Phone 1: 57-2/880777
Phone 2: 57-2/885376
Costa Rica
Asociacion Costarricense de Endocrinologia, Diabetes y Nutricion (ACEDYN), Custa Rican Association for Endocrinology, Diabetes and Nutricion, Colegio de Medicos y Cirujanos, P.O. box 548, 1000 San Jose – Costa Rica
Phone: 506/332629
Telex: 2149 AMES
Telefax: 506/322406
Asociacion Ecuatoriana de Diabetes, Ecuadorian Diabetes Association, c/o Hospital Carlos Andrada Marin, Dept. Medico, Quito – Ecuador
Sociedad Paraguay de diabetologia, Paraguayan Society of Diabetology, corronel Moreno 1030, Asuncion – Praguay
Phone 1: 595-21/604-499
Phone 2: 595-21/498-032
Telefax: 595-21/498032
Sociedad Peruana de Endocrinologia, Peruvian Society of Endocrinology, Casilla 435, Lima – Peru
Asociacion Peruana de Diabetes, Peruvian Diabetes Association, Apartado 106, Lima 1 – Peru
Phone : 31/51-1333, 72-1095
Stichting Diabetes Suriname, Gravenstraat 7 bo, Parameribo – Suriname
Phone : 597/743-47
Asociacion de Diabeticos del Uruguay, Uruguayan Diabetes Association, Paraguay 1273, Montevideo – Uruguay
Phone 1: 598-21/91-62-14
Phone 2: 598-21/98-39-79
Sociedad de Diabetologia y Nutricion del Uruguay, Paraguay 1273, Montevideo – Uruguay
Sociedad Venezolana de Endocrinologia y Metabolismo, Venezuelan Endocrinology and metabolism Society, Edificio Fundavac, Av. Neveri, Colinas de Bello Monte, P.O. Box 61843, Caracas 1041-A – Venezuela
Phone 1: 58-2/7513768
Phone 2: 58-2/621133
Asociacion Venezolana de Diabetes, Venezuelan Diabetes Association, Av. Caracas 464, Barquisimeto – Venezuela
Phone : 58/525373
Diabetes New Zealand, Inc., 4 Coquet Street, P.O. Box 54, Oamaru, South Island – New Zeland
Phone : 64-3/4348100
Telefax : 64-3/4345281